Good Samaritan Welfare Ministries (GSWMinistries)
Bro Daniel Kumar Darla is a Pastor , Evangelist, Song writer and also known for extending a hand of help to the needy, heart of compassion to the hurting, and message of inspiration to the disenfranchised, he operates the GOOD SAMARITAN WELFARE MINISTRIES Katravulapalli, an humanitarian organization in India with the aim of reaching the unreached.
East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh India. Rev.Dr.Daniel founded GSWM in 2005.
The VISION of the Gswm is to work amongst the lower cast Dalith peoples who live below the poverty line . GSWMinistries was formed to maintain transparency for its donors and sponsors and also to be an umbrella for the many different projects.
GSWM Activivties
Many more Activities
Good Samaritan Welfare Ministries Mission Values
1. Motivated by the Mission of God
2. Discipleship-based Multiplication
3. Local Church Driven
4. Indigenous Missions
5. Holy Spirit- led “Risk”
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Partner With Us
our mission is to fulfill the Great Commission by partnering with churches and evangelistic ministries around the world. We focus on growing the kingdom of God as we work with our global partners, together exploring various initiatives such as:
Community-wide, open-air evangelistic-healing meetings
Radio and television broadcasts in local communities
Leadership training seminars
Downloadable video, audio, and printable teaching materials
Establishing new churches